07.05.2020 17:34

The comparative analysis of the emotional psychological professional burnout among the specialists in recreative tourism and management

The comparative analysis of the emotional psychological professional burnout among the specialists in recreative tourism and management

Psychological and emotional state of the people, who have a –man-man‖ type of job, including specialists of physical education, sport and tourism, is of great importance. During the last 20 years scientists faced up with more and more cases of emotional psychological professional burnout in jobs. This syndrome is said to be connected with the acceleration of the rhythm of life and the increase of mental and psychological pressure, and the permanent stress at work.

The workers of physical education, sport and tourism, have a recreation during their work and this is a significant advantage. To prove this theory we made the experiment, the aim of which was to examine if the workers of recreative tourism (RT) in Ulyanovsk region and the managers of –MEGAFON‖, the Ulyanovsk regional department of Volga mobile communications company branch, are psychologically protected from professional burnout.

During the experiment w used the 3–component model of burnout syndrome by K.Maslach, S. Jackson. The results were subdivided into 3 scales / colons and were analyzed mathematically.

The workers (both men and women) of recreation tourism and subscriber maintenance, who took part into the experiment, had working experience no less than a year. Totally, there were 80 respondents and the number of women and men was equal.

The longevity of work in this or that sphere influences the analysis of emotional professional burnout greatly. According to this factor we can distinguish 3 time intervals:
1. Workers with 1-5 years work experience turned out to be the most numerous group in both jobs.
2. There is the equal number of workers with 5-10 work experience.
3. There are by 3 times more workers of recreative tourism among the respondents, whose work experience is more than 10 years.

During the analysis of the data received, we came to conclusion that the rate of emotional burnout among the workers of RT in Ulyanovsk region is lower than the average in Russia. Whereas the figures of managers are higher. This results show us how different the emotional psychological components of these jobs are. RT workers in Ulyanovsk region have the lower level of emotional tension (16,5 + 3,2 c.u., picture 1) because they work in the open air, where the recreational powers influence a lot. Managers, on contrary, have a higher level (31.2 + 3,8 c.u.), because they have a routine office work. The level of emotional tension is closely connected with the reduction of personal achievements. But unlike it these figures of RT workers in Ulyanovsk region are equal to average level in Russia (31+2,14 c.u. и 31,5 c.u. respectively, picture 1). It shows the high level of personal achievements of RT workers in Ulyanovsk. Managers‘ figures exceed an average ones and show us the level of physical and mental fatigue, personal distraction to the promlems of subscribers called the service department.

The level of depersonification of RT workers in Ulyanovsk region is 2 time higher (21+6,02 c.u., picture 1) than the average in Russia. It can be regarded as the sign of the change of relations within the staff, the spread of indifference, the lack of countenance and sympathetic understanding. Financial problems, the crude programme of tourism development in Ulyanovsk region and the lack of cooperation among organizations and groups, working in sphere of tourism, cause untapped personal achievements and high level of depersonification.

The level of depersonification among managers differs from average in Russia insignificantly. This is the indicative of demanding multistage personnel selection, which allows the workers of subscriber maintenance to give the appropriate assessment of their professional skills. This cause the higher psychological and emotional stability, which give possibility of professional self-actualizing. However, despite the careful selection, their level of emotional burnout is higher than the average in Russia. But this is typical for this profession.

The results of the research show us that the professional occupation of both RT workers and managers in Ulyanovsk region cause emotional burnout. So, 50% of respondents – RT workers have the signs of syndrome of professional burnout of varying intensity. Due to the recreational conditions in which they work, their emotional state is recovering. This prevent further development of professional emotional burnout, in spite of all the prerequisites for this syndrome. The professional occupation of managers also cause a professional burnout of varying intensity in nearly 100% cases.

Using the results of the research we can advise people to take up recreative tourism and physical education, because it help not only stay in one profession longer and keep healthy way of life, but also prevent the relation to work, colleagues, clients, relatives and friends from the change for the worse. Thereby, we should pay much attention to recreative actions, especially to recreative tourism for office workers with –man – man‖ type of job. The public support of recreation and health tourism in Russia is getting challenging nowadays.

1. Burlachuk L.F. Thesaurus of psychodiagnostics. / L.F. Burlachuk, S.M. Morosov / St. Petersburg: Piter, 2001 – p. 91-92.
2. Solonkina O.V. Psychodiagnostics in tourism and hospitality management. A book for higher schools. / O.V. Solonkina, D.M. Ramednik / M.: 2004. – p. 163-165.

Hitrova Tatyana

The comparative analysis of the emotional psychological professional burnout among the specialists in recreative tourism and management

Опубликовано 07.05.2020 17:34 | Просмотров: 658 | Блог » RSS